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The Crow - Trailer Reaction

As you probably heard from endless gripes from Gen Xers, there’s a Crow reboot directed by Rupert Sanders and starring Bill Skarsgard and FKA Twigs and that it’s sacrilegious.

A few weeks ago some photos were released to reveal the new Eric Dravin to be what some as deemed “a Sound Cloud rapper”. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s an insult.

Today the trailer was released and as a huge fan of the original, here are my thoughts.

• It’s Ghost 2 – it appears that having a crow guide Draven is not enough. There’s a guy in the afterlife telling him he has to “save her”. This is not too dissimilar to the Patrick Swayze classic. My guess is he makes his way back into the physical world and discovers he’s invincible

• Multiverse? – The original Crow never showed the afterlife. It just hit the ground running. Draven wakes up a year after being murdered, and he starts killing. Is there going to be a whole “we must close the portal” climax?

• He’s not a musician – The original, Eric Draven was a musician with a girlfriend. My guess is this time around, she’s the musician and he’s the boyfriend. Hence, casting FKA Twigs. Her piano tuner?

• The supernatural – The antagonist Danny Huston, at one point has glowing eyes. The original, Michael Wincotts character hinted at using black magic along with his incestuous sister, but it went as far is showing them burning some body parts as offerings. Is this venturing into some super villain territory ?

• The action – we can see a fight occuring in a moving car, which is familiar to The Raid 2, which has one of the best car chase/fights ever put on film. There also appears to have a heavy John Wick influence

• Rupee Sanders – this guy can’t catch a break. A talented, visual master keeps attaching to powder keg projects. He didn’t get enough from the Ghost in the Shell (which I liked) rigamarole.

So there are some thoughts. My guess is they’ll incorporate his girlfriend into the storyline, where he has to save her. Where the original was strictly him getting revenge so he can go to the afterlife and be reunited with her. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a twist where it turns out they’re in the afterlife the whole time anyways, as there’s some strange visuals throughout the trailer.

And what’s with the squid games tribute?

What do you think? Are you excited? Caw caw!

Check our tribute video to the original classic below.